Friday, December 27, 2019
Challenges And Implementation Of Federal UAS Spectrum Policy
â⬠¢ Coordinates federal UAS spectrum policy by establishing an inter-agency working group tasked with developing a cohesive federal policy to address the near-term and long-term communications and spectrum needs â⬠¢ Advances UTM by directing the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with NASA, to develop an implementation plan within one year to achieve full operational capability of UAS UTM â⬠¢ Establishes an inter-agency working group involving relevant federal security agencies to develop recommendations for enhanced safety and security of expanded small UAS operations BVLOS and over people, and requires the FAA release rules within one year of enactment. This legislation seeks to enhance and foster innovation of UAS technologies,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A better option currently being pursued to address this issue is the FAAââ¬â¢s Drone Advisory Committee, which created a Task Group to address this issue. Drone Federalism Act of 2017 (S. 1272) (Senator Feinstein (CA-D)) â⬠¢ Authorizes State, local or Tribal governments authority to regulate UAS operations via restrictions on the time, speed, manner and place of civil UAS operations with in 200 ft of ground level or 200 ft of a structure â⬠¢ Restricts UAS operations over private property under 200 ft of the ground level or 200ft of a structure without permission of the property owner or in any area where the aircraft operation could interfere with the enjoyment or use of the property â⬠¢ Establishes a pilot program with 10 state, local or tribal government for the FAA Administrator to provide technical assistance in regulating civil UAS operations Like the Drone Innovation Act, this bill seeks to define the roles of state, local and Tribal governments in overseeing UAS operations in their respective jurisdictions. While state, local and Tribal governments need to have a role in regulating UAS operations, this bill poses the challenge of UAS commercial operations having to navigate numerous UAS regulations. Given the Drone Advisory Committeeââ¬â¢s ongoing dialogue with federal, state, local and Tribal government officials and UAS stakeholders, it is more likely the committee will produce recommendationsShow MoreRelatedEssay Paper84499 Words à |à 338 PagesArmy Regulation 600ââ¬â20 Personnelââ¬âGeneral Army Command Policy Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date: 20 September 2012 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 18 March 2008 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 600ââ¬â20 Army Command Policy This rapid action revision, dated 20 September 2012-o Updates policy for the administration of unit command climate surveys: adds requirement for personnel equivalent to company level commanders; updates timelines to withinRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words à |à 299 PagesChris Zook It may be hidden right under your nose. Hereââ¬â¢s how to evaluate your current core and where to look for a new one. 78 Promise-Based Management: The Essence of Execution Donald N. Sull and Charles Spinosa The most vexing leadership challenges stem from broken or poorly crafted commitments between employees and colleagues, customers, or other stakeholders. To overcome such problems and foster a productive, reliable workforce, managers must cultivate and coordinate promises in a systematic
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Dr. John Cheevers Effect On The Public Health - 1276 Words
In this paper, I will assume the position of Dr. Ellis Cheever (Laurence Fishburne), the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. In the ââ¬Å"Contagionâ⬠film, the role of CDC started when two medical examiners in Minnesota reported an abnormal autopsy that was taken from a dead body (Beth Emhoff). Surprisingly, the cases were dramatically increased to five deaths and thirty-two infected cases (Soderbergh, 2011). The three situations that Dr. Cheever made and could impact the public health I. First Situation When the pandemic broke, Dr. Cheever committed to several questionable decisions or courses of action that had or could have had negative impacts on the public health. One of these was when he dispatched Dr. Erin Mears from the CDCââ¬â¢s Epidemic Intelligence Services (EIS) to investigate on the recent outbreak in Minnesota. The EIS, also referred to as the CDCââ¬â¢s Disease Detectives, serves as the first line of defense and investigation of the agency. It is actually a 2-year training program on applied epidemiology, undertaken by 70 to 80 selected physicians, doctoral-level scientists, veterinarians, and other health professionals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). EIS Officers are the ones who should be ready to respond in case of outbreak, as Dr. Mears did. EIS Officers have the responsibility of identifying causes of outbreaks, recommending preventive and control measures against them, and implementing strategies to protect
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Persuasive Essay Incidents in the Life Of A Slave GirlLinda BrentCHAPTER IThe conditions of this master-slave relationship are that the slave(Linda) is there to do work for her mistress, or master, which is now her sisters daughter. Linda is supposed to take care her new owners five year olddaughter, help plant things, take care of any animals and anything else she istold. As a slave, she should also do everything else she is told by her master. After a brief period of suspense, the will of my mistress was read, and welearned that she had bequeathed me to her sisters daughter, a child of fiveyears old. I think that before her former master died and she was sent to hermasters sisters daughter, the conditions were different. Lindas mastertaught her how to read and spell, which was a privilege, because most slaveswere not taught how to do this. While I was with her, she taught me to read andspell; and for this privilege, which so rarely falls to the lot of a slave, Ibless her memory.Chapter IIThe authors purpose for including this chapter is to show just howunfairly, and cruelly slaves (she) were treated. People saw the slaves asscapegoats and were blamed for everything. She gives many examples of situationsin which someone (one of the masters or mistresses) wasnt happy with somethingand blamed it on the slave(s), forcing them to deal with the harsh consequences. An example is when the cook sends dinner out to Dr. Flint. Sometimes, when hedoes not like a dish, the cook gets whipped, other times he shoves all the fooddown the her throat until she chokes. I feel that this is very offensivetreatment because that is not a justified reason to do something, as severe aschoking someone. Even though she was one of his slaves, instead of doing that,he could have just told her, or even yelled, to cook something different-shewould have gotten the point. I guess Dr. Flint, just like many other whites,felt he had to use violence to punish her (even though I totally, strongly,disagree with his decision, it was probably a regular thing to do during thattime period. She being a slave, was probably used to it. Chapter VLinda shows her strong moral character in many ways. When she was ayoung girl, and pre-teen, she was offered many of the same things that themistresss children were offered. Even though she thought this as only fair,she still offered her help to the members of the family in return for theirkindness. Linda also knew that people were to be treated with respect. When Dr. Flint, repeatedly called her bitter names, and abused her, deep down she knew itwasnt right, and felt he was corrupting her and her pure mind, but chose not tosay anything for fear of her serious consequences, even death. She just keepsgoing on with her life, helping him and his family, deep down inside knowingwhat he was doing was unjust and cruel. CHAPTER VIIII think that it was very ignorant of the slaveholders to tell theirslaves vicious lies about the North. First of all, some of the slaves couldread. Being able to read meant being informed (newspapers) of worldly news,such as what was occurring in the North. Did some of the slaveholders reallythink that their slaves would believe these stories? In Lindas case, aslaveholder once told her that one of her friends, also being a slave, was inhorrendous shape, pleading to be returned to her master. Linda later found outthis whole story was untrue, and that this former slave never wished to returnto slavery. Im sure that many slaveholders did this as a tactic to get slavesto think that they had it good. The slaveholders probably thought that ifthey could make the North sound terrible, and impossible to survive in, theirslaves wouldnt want to run away. Although this may have worked in some cases,Im sure the slaves werent that naive. .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .postImageUrl , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:hover , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:visited , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:active { border:0!important; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:active , .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udfe89d9573a98fc2234b6661c4caf2cc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Information technology and its effect on organisat EssayCHAPTER XIAfter her son was born, Linda has mixed emotions of love and pain. Inone sense she loves her son very much and wants his life to continue. She saidthat when she was sad or depressed, all she had to do was look at him, or watchhim slumber and she would be happy. In the other sense, she felt like she washurting her son and wished he had died in infancy. She felt this because he hadbeen born a slave. Born subject to disrespect, cruelty, abuse, and everythingelse that came with being a slavery. She had once prayed that he would died,and then when he became sick, she prayed that he would become well again. Lindaf elt that death was better than slavery and didnt want her son to have to gothrough the horror that she went through.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Accident That Changed My Life Essays - Startup Cult, David Meece
The Accident That Changed My Life The Accident That Changed My Life I used to read in the news about people getting in car accidents all the time. The trouble is, I never thought it could happen to me. I guess you could say that I saw myself as invincible. With the way I'd been living my life, something was bound to happen eventually. I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. This is why my car accident changed my life. I was a second year senior at Independence High School. Most of my time was spent hanging out with my friends. My friends were the most important thing to me back then and I would bend over backwards for each and every one of them. Because of all the time I spent out with my friends, I barely spent any time at home with my family. I also had a hard time waking up to go to school in the morning. Things had gotten so bad that I would sometimes miss school for weeks at a time. Little did I know, that destiny had a big change in store for me! It was really late one night and I decided to go out. I went to pick up my friends and go to a party at some wharehouse. I remember having a lot of fun and laughing a lot with my friends. One of the people I was talking to had asked for a ride because his was leaving and I accepted. So now I was responsible for taking four people, including myself home. After I dropped off the first guy, I was making a left turn. When I saw I was in the clear, I went ahead and turned. All of a sudden, I saw a big car heading my way real fast. I sped up to get past the lane he was in and finish my turn, but it was too late. He smashed right into me on the driver's side. The impact bent the whole frame of my car, and I remember being able to touch the other driver's bumper from my window (which was now in a million pieces on the ground)! Luckily, my friends were okay and didn't have to stay the night at the hospital. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky! While my friends were able to leave, I was stuck there, in a coma. I had an outer body experience in that coma. I remember being surrounded by white, no other color but white. As I was floating down this path headed towards a bright white light, I began to hear a harmony of beautiful voices. They were almost an angelic chorus of high-pitched notes. All of a sudden (I was coming out of the coma.), the whiteness that surrounded me was starting to disappear like clouds fading away. When all the clouds were gone I was surrounded by about twenty familiar faces of those I'd known and loved. As soon as I saw my mother's face, I just knew everything was going to be okay! It smelled like a hospital and my mouth was all dry and sticky like I hadn't moved it for days. Come to find out, I hadn't moved my mouth in two days! I really couldn't remember what happened or figure out why I was at the hospital. I was hooked up to a breathing machine, so I couldn't talk to anyone. The first thing I did was look at my mom for an explanation. She looked at me and said, ?Hi Kimmy. You're in the hospital. You've been in a serious car accident, but you're in good hands and you're gonna be alright.? I knew that it was really hard to breathe beacause it hurt everytime I inhaled. Because I couldn't talk, I couldn't find out what was really wrong with me. So, I just waited patiently, knowing I'd find out eventually. I acknowledged everyone with a thumbs up. When I wanted to go to sleep, I waved my arm towards the door, so that people would know to leave. It was really difficult to cope with. I was lying in a hospital bed in ICU hooked up to
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Overcome Hardship and Be Successful [Video]
How to Overcome Hardship and Be Successful [Video] Life can be tough, with lots of roadblocks that stand in the way of your success. The majority of us go through life with our noses to the ground, grinding through one day after the next filled with to-dos. Weââ¬â¢re always in a hurry. But what might happen to our state of mind if, just sometimes, weâ⬠¦ stopped. What if we looked up to appreciate the beauty of what lies around us every day without us even noticing it? Check out the following TED Talk by Gavin Pretor-Pinney on how you, too, can use what lies around us to calm the stress within.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Last Minute SAT Prep Programs
Last Minute SAT Prep Programs SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Only have a couple days left before the SAT? Thereââ¬â¢s still time to improve your scores!A few hours of focused prep can make a big difference in your test performance, especially if you have obvious mistakes that you haven't noticed. Here are some guidelines that will help you design a last minute SAT study plan that works for you. I'll also give you a bunch of last minute SAT tips to raise your score. Time-Based Study Plans First, figure out how much time you can afford to devote to SAT prep in the short time you have before the test.Donââ¬â¢t forget to factor in other commitments and make sure youââ¬â¢re getting enough sleep so you can take full advantage of your review. The 5 Hour Plan If you have five hours to study and you havenââ¬â¢t studied at all before now, you should use your time to take an SAT practice test. This will help you get more comfortable with the format of the test and the types of questions to expect.You can improve your scores slightly just by taking a practice test! If you have already taken a few practice tests and donââ¬â¢t think it will be as helpful for you to take another one, use your five hours to take a closer look at missed questions.Focus on where you tend to make the most mistakes, and try to understand why they're happening.See the 15 hour plan below and this article to learn more about how to review your mistakes. You should also think about how much time youââ¬â¢re spending per question.For Math, it should be no more than a minute. For CriticalReading and Writing, it should be no more than 30-45 seconds. Familiarize yourself with how it feels to spend this much time on a question so you will know how to structure your time on the test. If you find yourself spending a longer amount of time on a question, you should skip it and move on to the next one so you will get to every question in the section and not miss easy points later! The 15 Hour Plan With this much time, there is potential for a substantial improvement in your scores. Let's break it down hour by hour. Hours 0-5: Take a Practice Test If you havenââ¬â¢t studied yet, this will help you get an idea of your weak spots and where you should focus the rest of your time.Be sure to take the test with realistic time constraints so that you can diagnose the problems youââ¬â¢re having accurately (often the main issue students have on the SAT is time). Hours 5-10: Review Your Mistakes For each question you answer incorrectly, make sure you know why your choice was incorrect and how to arrive at the correct answer. Also keep track of the questions where you had to guess. Even if you got some of them right, you still want to review anything that you didn't quite understand on the test. Usually mistakes fall into four categories: 1. Not Enough Time: You didnââ¬â¢t get to the question Study Strategy: Practice doing questions within the time constraints for the test so you get used to moving faster. Learn how to effectively skim reading passages, and make sure you know when to skip questions. Remember, you get a minute for math questions and 30-45 seconds for reading and writing questions. 2. Question Comprehension: You didnââ¬â¢t understand what the question was asking or got tricked by it Study Strategy: Slow down and read the questions more carefully! Sometimes it helps to write down the question in simpler form before answering. It also can't hurt to practice similar questions so your familiarity with the format will prevent confusion. 3. Unknown Material: You didnââ¬â¢t know the material covered in the question Study Strategy:Find a source for lesson material on the topic you donââ¬â¢t understand, and practice more questions that are similar.This is an area where a program like PrepScholar could really help you because it targets your weak content areas. 4. Careless Mistake: Your brain tapped out for a sec Study Strategy: Why did you make the mistake? Time pressure? Read the question too fast and missed an ââ¬Å"exceptâ⬠or other critical word?Work on your time management so you can leave yourself a few minutes at the end of a section to go over your answers. On the flip side,be sure that youââ¬â¢re not going through questions faster than you should and making these mistakes as a result. Hours 10-15: Get Specific This is when you can really focus on the section or sections where you are making the most mistakes.Practice questions for that section and review any material that is unfamiliar to you. If you really want to make the most of your study time, you might consider signing up for PrepScholar.Weââ¬â¢ve shown a 100 point improvement for 15 hours using our prep program. This is because we help you accurately determine your strengths and weaknesses across all sections of the test and will tailor your prep time to your needs so you get the most out of it. If you sign up now, you can also use PrepScholar to prepare for the next time you take the SAT. The faceless spectre of time will never tire from pursuing us all, especially on the SAT. General Tips for Last Minute Studying Here are a couple of additional pointers to help you get the most out of your last minute study time. Take a look at this article for even more tips. Spend more of your last minute study time on analyzing your mistakes than on practice testing Youââ¬â¢re going to see the biggest difference in your scores if you take the time to understand your mistakes.As I mentioned earlier, you should be able to explain why your answer was incorrect as well as the rationale behind the correct answer. That way when you come across a similar question later, you'll know exactly how to answer it! Know the facts Take a look at these formulas you should know for the SAT.Also familiarize yourself with grammar rules for the writing section so you can feel more confident about your answers. You don't want to run into any big surprises on the test. Be time-conscious If you have a tendency to fall victim to time pressure, practice doing questions with the same time constraints you would have on the test.This will help you get used to the pacing and prevent you from accidentally lingering for too long on a question you should have skipped initially. Plan your essay Donââ¬â¢t go into the SAT essay without anything prepared!Come up with some versatile concrete examples that you will be able to use in your argument. Looking Ahead If you think youââ¬â¢ll take the SAT again, try not to procrastinate as much on studying for the next test date.Short cram sessions arenââ¬â¢t going to cut it if youââ¬â¢re looking to boost your score a few hundred points or more.It can take over a hundred hours of studying to achieve really big score improvements.See these estimates for score improvements vs. study time: 0-50 SAT Composite Point Improvement: 10 hours50-100 Point Improvement: 20 hours100-200 Point Improvement: 40 hours200-300 Point Improvement: 80 hours300-500 Point Improvement: 150 hours+ Figure out your target SAT score based on which schools you plan to apply to, and then decide how youââ¬â¢re going to get there. Also check out these study plans for ideas on how to structure your studying over a longer period of time.Remember, last minute studying can be helpful, but it shouldnââ¬â¢t be your only prep method! In conclusion... What's Next? If you're still looking for more last minute SAT tips, head on over to this article. It will give you some test-taking strategies and advice for how to prepare on the day of the test. For additional last minute SAT prep, you should consider reading these guides. Here's a link to eight SAT practice teststo kickstart your studying! Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Critical Research Paper on the Performing Arts and Social
A Critical on the Performing Arts and Social Responsibility - Research Paper Example of early filmmaking in America was aimed at depicting family life, romance, social systems, and the government as without flaws, yet the reality was much different behind closed doors. In a way, it gave people an avenue to explore their feelings as well as to escape their own situation and find a way to cope. During the first half of the twentieth century, the entertainment industry primarily focused on the positive aspects of living. It was a way to soothe the populace from the effects of the Great Depression and both World Wars. The focus was on how to make people believe that normalcy would return and that family life wouldnââ¬â¢t be abnormally affected beyond that from which it could regenerate. Television capitalized on this message with weekly series that portrayed families in idealic settings with only minor mishaps; creating the chance to teach a moral message to the viewers. There were also the fantasy programs and westerns that brought escapism and adventure to those who just wanted to forget the harshness of reality for awhile. Most of the box office movies portrayed life as manageable with a certain degree of hardship which caused people to become stronger and more valued as human beings. Society still expected the men to lead the way; therefore most media portrayed life a s being a manââ¬â¢s world, reinforcing the idea that we were safe. After the Vietnam War, the entertainment industry moved away from the ââ¬Å"all is well, weââ¬â¢ll be okâ⬠message, due to the horrific effects of that time period. As soldiers returned from the war, they werenââ¬â¢t ok, and neither were we; everything about life as we knew it had changed, leaving us groping for a way to understand and deal with it all. Families were broken, social roles had changed; it was the first time we had gone to war senselessly and been defeated. Society had begun to question everything it believed; an epiphany moment. The entertainment industry focused more on expressing our horror, rage,
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